How a business engages with their customer base says a lot about their attitude to clients, customers, patients. For those in the medical field, physiotherapists, podiatrists, dentists and others, most patients will call. We in Kendlebell Naas provide three main call answering options: Telephone Answering, Virtual Receptionist and Customer Helpdesk. Our clients choose when we can answer those calls, be that some or all, we are flexible. And with our diary management service we can also handle appointments. In the short piece below I will cover diary management – why you should outsource, please feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions here.
See more on our call answering service blogs here: Benefits of Call Answering, Telephone Answering In-House vs Outsourcing, Work Smarter, and more here.

We can give you and your team back time. So you can focus on the important stuff!
When a caller rings their physiotherapist to change an appointment for example, they expect the call to be answered and dealt with immediately. There isn’t really much room for a lag in terms of handling the call. This is were diary management comes in. Many of our clients, in particular physiotherapists, podiatrists and others in the medical field, provide us with access to their diary system, for diary management purposes!
Why is Diary Management important?
Our call answering service ensures that no calls are missed, but the handling of appointments is the real issue, not just the call being answered. And this is why diary management is hugely important. By giving us access to your diary there is no time lag!

We can book appointments for you, when your front of house team is unavailable.
Why do businesses opt for our diary management service?
So Kendlebell Naas can:
- Make appointments
- Change appointments
- Cancel appointments
- Maintain your professional image
Enabling us to manage your diary enables your in house team to focus on the client(s), while no calls are being missed.

When you are hands on with a client, there should be no distractions.
The hidden plus: Cancellation filling is key to Diary Management
A service often required by our clients using us for diary management is cancellation filling. It is often not feasible for an in-house team member to make outbound calls to a waiting list, but we can. Obviously, we do try an maintain the appointments in a way in which there are no gaps, but should gaps arise, we can certainly fill them as soon as possible. We can also move appointments if you are one of your team is unwell, has a family emergency etc. This is something that our customers do find particularly useful, as it is usually unfortunately, required at times of stress.
We Deliver Results
Our services: Telephone Answering (message taking), Virtual Receptionist (Call transferring) and Customer Helpdesk (order taking) deliver real life benefits for our clients. From very simple things like deterring tyre kickers and cold callers, to improving the customer experience. We give our time so our clients don’t have to. Take the opportunity to concentrate without any calls, plus no more silent voicemails or missed calls. For those struggling with staffing or time in particular, we can help. Generally our services improve morale whether the team size is 1 or 20, which can have a big effect on productivity also. This is why most whom engage the two week free trial, stick with our services.

Sometimes thinking outside the box brings the biggest rewards.
In Conclusion
Kendlebell Naas’ provide telephone answering services that are tailored to your needs and will enable you to work smarter while saving you money. Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Answer. Additionally see more blogs here, including Voicemail a Dinosaur and Outsourcing for Small Business.

Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Call Answer
To see the benefits of our services for yourself, get the ball rolling on a Free Trial here.