Voicemail a Dinosaur
Customers call you to talk to you, this is obviously not always possible. That aside, what other options are there? Today, we’ll be taking a further look at voicemail. Is voicemail a fan-favourite or is it a dinosaur, dare I say the first digital media consigned...
Every Call Answered by our Personal Assistants
How can our Telephone Answering Service Can Improve Your Business Personal Assistants Whether you are a new business, a existing SME or even a multi-national, first impressions matter. Often a client or potential client’s first impression of a business is based...
Remote Working – A Whole New Workplace
In January Tanaiste Leo Varadkar, said that “Post-pandemic, I want remote working to be part of a whole new world of work and this new Government strategy sets out how we will enable it.” “Working from home has become the norm for many in 2020. We want remote,...