Customers call you to talk to you, this is obviously not always possible. That aside, what other options are there? Today, we’ll be taking a further look at voicemail. Is voicemail a fan-favourite or is it a dinosaur, dare I say the first digital media consigned to the scrapheap. Do you leave voicemails? How often do you listen to voicemails? Surveys have found 80% of people won’t leave voicemails. With our Personal Assistants providing telephone answering, you’ll never miss a call again.

Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Call Answer
Does voicemail tick all the boxes?
Voicemail ticks a couple of boxes; in an out of hours situation it is handy for sure, especially for a landline! But as a go-to option, Monday to Friday, it has to be no, doesn’t it? In 2014, Coca Cola gave staff the option of shutting voicemail off, a whooping 94% opted to axe voicemails. Michael Schrage, a research fellow at MIT Sloan School’s Center for Digital Business called the move a “no-brainer”. Just 1/3 of staff listen to voice mails from business contacts, eVoice, a virtual phone service provider, found way back in a 2013 survey. See more on this survey and Coca Cola here.
Is the age of voicemail, over?
In 2013, Schrage wrote a piece for the Harvard Business Review’s website called “Time to Hang Up on Voice Mail”. Stating that “something that was once seen as valuable and indispensable is now seen not only as worthless, but as so inefficient it must be removed.” See the full article here.
More recently in 2018, e2save the online division of The Carphone Warehouse conducted a survey on Voicemail. What were the findings? Just 20% of people will leave a voicemail, if their call can’t be taken. Older age categories are more likely to leave a voicemail then younger groups. 20% of 25 -34 year olds never leave a voicemail. Whereas 53% of 55-64 year olds will always leave a voicemail.

We answer the calls and transfer them to the right person
What do people think of voicemail?
The number one answer on why people won’t leave voicemails is because they don’t like receiving them themselves. Does it create a good brand image, if perhaps on someone’s first attempt to talk to you, they are faced with a voicemail? The number 1 issue that annoys people most about receiving a voicemail is; they don’t understand why the person can’t just drop them a text or email. Whereas, if a client calls you and gets through to our of our team, they have a positive interaction. Similarly, you on the other side benefit, from our telephone answering services in that your clients are happier and you can receive notice of the call on various platforms.
Voicemail is here to stay, we have clients that have to use it. But, at Kendlebell Naas we try to streamline tasks for clients and callers, voicemail is no different. We make voicemail more streamlined, how? We will email you (and whomever else you’d like) a MP3 of a voicemail once it’s left.
On NPR – National Public Radio, Jane Buckingham, a trend analyst with Trenda had this to say (more here). “Everyone criticizes the millennials for being the ‘me’ generation and being so entitled. I don’t think they’re so entitled. I think they’re just incredibly pragmatic. So for them if a voice mail isn’t practical — which most of the time it isn’t — and there’s a more practical way of delivering the same information, they’re gonna go for that.”
When one of your customers ring you, what is the expectation? With Kendlebell Naas’ services particularly, telephone answering, firstly they’ll talk to a real person – one of our pleasant and professional Personal Assistants. Secondly they expect to be able to relay some information to this person that will be sent to you – which we do, via email, text or both dependent on your preference. Above all with our service, they won’t hang-up, you’ll never miss a call again.
We do offer a 2 week No Cost No Obligation Free Trial to experience these benefits for yourself, at no risk. To set up your Free Trial click here.
Our Personal Assistants provide a range of help-desk and service desk solutions. At Kendlebell Naas our ethos is very much focused on first impressions. You can’t put a price on the face of your business and you only get one opportunity to make a first impression.
See some of our services below:
- Telephone Answering & Message Taking
- Virtual Receptionist Services
- Service Desk Solutions
- Enquiry Handling
- Order Taking
- Diary Management and appointment booking
In conclusion, our services will enable you to work smarter while saving you money, Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Answer. Additionally see more blogs here.