Using a call answering service like ours in Kendlebell Naas can really lift productivity of any business whether a small one person operation, a small or medium sized business or a multi-national. What are the actual benefits call answering services deliver? Taking call handling pressures away from yourself and employees, those with more pressing responsibilities can provide a number of benefits. At the beginning of a customer service experience, 90% of our respondents want to speak to a live agent. See more on this here. Are you providing your callers with this opportunity? Voicemail? Missed call?

Our team of Personal Assistants, are available to answer your calls.
Day to day, businesses can achieve more using a virtual call answering service than not in the following ways:
Our telephone answering services gives your employees and/or you the ability to focus on the task at hand. We answer your phone(s), so you can focus on what you need to concentrate on – in many cases generating revenue. Plus, no wasted time on cold calls – time wasters, cold callers, sales people are all screened, before they get to you.
Personal Assistants
More hands on deck as required. A physical receptionist answers call, yes, some. How many can one person answer? Our team of Personal Assistants can/will answer a multiple of this, at a fraction of the cost. Kendlebell Naas operate Monday – Friday, 8.30am to 6.00pm. Also, we provide the impression that you are part of a larger organisation, which is particularly beneficial for businesses starting out.

Missing calls? Losing out on revenue?
The rapport is already built for you, a good rapport, your callers calls are not missed, they didn’t have to leave a voicemail. No more call ping-pong, where a caller keeps missing you and you them. They instead speak to one of our experienced Personal Assistants. And they are now a warm lead. Plus you get a SMS message, an email or both with their contact details.
Our Services & Customisation
Kendlebell Naas’ provide telephone answering services for 30% the cost of a receptionist. Our services enable businesses to be more efficient and productive, with us budgets go further, while also improving customer experience.
Our team of Personal Assistants handle your calls to to your exact specifications and requirements . Our services are totally customisable. When a call comes in we take a detailed message which is then relayed to you by email, text or both. Alternatively, calls can be transferred directly to you or your colleagues, on your Direct Dial or mobile phone number.

Kendlebell Naas – for telephone answering, Diary Management and more!
The client experience is important, people do talk. Our call answering service will put you in their good books, if you have recently experienced some slippage. Our services will enable you to work smarter while saving you money, Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Answer. Additionally see more blogs here, including Voicemail a Dinosaur and Outsourcing for Small Business.