Most businesses are you looking at expanding in 2022, in Kendlebell Naas we aid expansion. We enable companies to expand staffing (servicing) without increasing payroll. Our telephone answering and virtual receptionist services, enable businesses to work smarter. For instance in the case of legal firms, many receptionists in practices do a lot of typing amongst other duties, typing with a phone ringing can be hugely distracting. Distraction can reduce the quality of their work and so on. The ease of access of our services as an overflow or full time can be of huge benefit to businesses in this type of scenario. For most businesses if you were to contact us today, we could expand your team tomorrow.

Our team becomes part of your team.
Looking at the 2022 Hiring Trends and Business Outlook report based on a nationwide survey from Recruiters. Which was conducted in October 2021. A whooping 85% of employers expect to recruit new staff in 2022. According to the CSO our current national unemployment rate is 6.2%, 0.5% higher than the traditional figure. Which means companies may say they are going to expand their staffing. And not be able to. Whereas we can say we will expand your team tomorrow, and do just that. The vast majority of employers (60%) are going to implement hybrid working models, when covid restrictions are lifted. A further 29% plan on implementing different/customised models to suit individual employees and teams. When businesses outsource to us our services centralise the decentralised through our system.
Aon’s Business Risk Index – a survey of 160 businesses found that 60% of employers are unsure about the impact of hybrid working on their businesses’ ability to innovate. Ultimately the success or failure of hybrid working will be based on what is viable for both employers and employees. There will need to be risks taken after covid. Experiments carried out by businesses to see how a hybrid model will work after covid for them.

Our team of personal assistants answer your calls in your name.
Risk Free Recruitment
Many businesses are finding recruitment difficult at the moment. But often prospect employers have not looked at out-of-the-box alternatives. Expand your staffing without expanding your payroll. Rather than seeking out a new employee, why not seek out a service? This is where we in Kendlebell Naas come in, our telephone answering and virtual assistant service. Why not let our team become part of yours? We can provide you with access to more team members without the associated costs, risks or hassle. No recruiting and all the stress that entails. Our two week free trial for telephone answering, is essentially risk free recruitment. No risks, no obligation and no cost.
In many ways engaging our services should be viewed as a “standard” collaboration/outsource. Check out “7 Business Tasks You Can Outsource” here or see Our Three Reasons to Your Telephone Answering here.
Kendlebell Naas vs Receptionist
In terms of available hours, our service vs a 9to5 in-house receptionist. We provide 2 1/2 hours more time a day, by finishing earlier, starting later and working through lunch. When annual leave is accounted for, an in-house receptionist works 232 days a year, we operate 252 days a year (as standard). There are certain unaccounted for costs/stresses our service removes: recruiting, training, providing equipment, a location and so on. But simply in terms of hours, for a fraction of the price, we offer via our standard service 770 hours more vs an in-house receptionist. We provide 2,394 hours per year as standard vs. a full-time in-house receptionist working 1,624 hours. Presuming they have no sick days, funerals and general force majeure during the year.

Our telephone answering services cost c30% what you would expect to pay for an in-house receptionist
Our Services & Customisation
Kendlebell Naas’ provide 24/7 call answering, but our standard times are: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.00pm. Our services are totally customisable and will enable you and your team to work smarter while saving you money.
Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Answer.
Additionally see more blogs here, including Remote Working Toolbox, Voicemail a Dinosaur and Outsourcing for Small Business.

Our team of professional personal assistants are phone specialists.