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Do you miss calls?

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Whether you are a one woman or one man show or part of a bigger organisation, missing calls is bad business. Not only are customers happier to call businesses. But these calls are not 2 or 3 BUT 10 to 15 times more likely to generate a sale or follow-up activity than a digital submission form. Which is why services like ours at Kendlebell Naas can really aid people in business. Do you miss business? Do you miss calls? We can help.  

What is the most important business call that you have missed?


The average person speaks between 125 to 175 words per minute.  People can listen at a rate of up to a whooping 450 words per minute. How fast can the average typist type? Just 38 – 40 words per minute, and that is not on a smart phone, that is on a keyboard. Most consumers are happy to carry out certain transactions out online – ordering a pizza for instance. But if calling their accountant or solicitor people still want to talk to the office etc. Check out “Your Customers Still Want to Talk to a Human Being – in the Harvard Business Review here

Our team of dedicated Person Assistants are the front of house for a wide range of businesses from accountants and solicitors to physiotherapists and podiatrists to plumbers and electricians. Over the last couple of years, more and more companies have started to compete mostly on customer service experience. Up from 36% in 2012 to 89% in 2016, see more on this here.

For most of our clients and service costs hundreds of euros, but what does poor customer service cost business? A Customer Service Barometer study jointly conducted by American Express and Ebiquity found that 55% of consumers who intended to make a purchase have backed out because of poor customer service. See more on that here.

According to New Voice Media, poor customer service is costing US businesses $75 billion a year, see more here. The survey, based on independent research among over 2,000 US adults found that top reasons for leaving included: feeling unappreciated (40 percent), not being able to speak to a person (33 percent), being passed around to multiple agents (30 percent) and being put on hold for too long (28 percent). 17 percent had such low expectations of the customer experience that they didn’t even bother contacting support about their service issue before switching companies.

When you are operating and your phone rings, who answers the call?

Free Trial for Telephone Answering

We offer a two week, no cost, no obligation, no risk free trial to all new prospective Telephone Answering/Virtual Assistant customers. Why? To let them see the benefits of our services for themselves. The trial can be easily set up here.

When you are tiling and your phone rings, who answers the call?

Our Services & Customisation

Kendlebell Naas’ provide telephone answering services for 30% the cost of an in-house receptionist, with more hours of answering available. Our team of Personal Assistants catch your calls to to your exact specifications and requirements. Plus our services are totally customisable and will enable you to work smarter while saving you money, Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Answer.

Kendlebell Naas – The Perfect Call Answer